========= Changelog ========= This is a record of all past PLYMI releases and what went into them, in reverse chronological order. ---------- 2022-03-14 ---------- Removed the "is palindrome" problem from Module 2. ---------- 2022-01-29 ---------- - Added a section to Module 3 about drop-in automatic differentiation for NumPy, via the library `MyGrad `_ - Removed instructions for downgrading `jedi` (upstream bug fixed). - Fixed typos. ---------- 2021-02-28 ---------- Fixes a syntax error (missing colons) in a code snippet in `a subsection about conditional expressions `_. ---------- 2021-01-31 ---------- Upgrades the tools used to build PLYMI: - sphinx 3.4.3 - nbsphinx 0.8.1 - jupytext 1.9.1 - sphinx-rtd-theme 0.5.1 Adds a reading comprehension problem in `the section on type-hinting `_ to show that ``jedi`` provides annotation-informed autocompletion abilities in notebooks. ---------- 2021-01-30 ---------- Updated the discussion of `computing pairwise differences `_ to account for potential floating-point edge cases that can produce "NaNs" as a result. There is currently an incompatibility between ``jedi 0.18.0`` and IPython, which breaks autocompletion. See `here `_ for more details. Added temporary callout boxes to the `informal introduction to Python `_ and to the `introduction to Jupyter notebooks `_, which instruct readers to remedy this by downgrading jedi. Fixed a missing plot in the `introduction to Jupyter `_ section. Reformatted the `section on IDEs `_ and added a description of PyLance. Add link to `PLYMI's discussion board `_. ---------- 2021-01-24 ---------- Added a brief `discussion of Python versions `_. Thanks `@samaocarpenter `_! Fixed typos `#160 `_ `#158 `_ `#155 `_ ---------- 2020-06-17 ---------- Various typo fixes. Thanks to Darshan and David! ---------- 2020-05-10 ---------- Various typo fixes. Thanks to Patrick O'Shea and David Mascharka! ---------- 2020-04-11 ---------- Updated some of the "backend" technologies behind PLYMI: upgraded sphinx and nbsphinx. Fixed a broken subsection header: "Converting a Boolean Index-Array to Integer Index-Arrays: numpy.where" will now appear in the navigation bar under Module 3, Advanced Indexing. ---------- 2020-04-02 ---------- Fixed a mistake in `Working with Files `_ where the reported syntax for invoking ``Path.mkdir()`` was incorrect. ---------- 2020-02-16 ---------- Several various typo/grammar fixes. Thank you to the readers who reported these and to `@davidmascharka `_ ---------- 2019-12-14 ---------- We're finally keeping a formal changelog! This update includes our first discussion of features that were introduced in Python 3.8. Also includes various typo/grammar fixes. ~~~~~~~~~~~ New Content ~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Module 1 - Jupyter Notebooks: `_ included a brief discussion of Jupyter lab - `Module 1 - Setting Up a Development Environment: `_ Updated IDE discussion to reflect recent improvements to VSCode for Python. - `Module 5 - Writing Good Code: `_ Added ``typing.Literal``, which was introduced in Python 3.8, to the discussion of type-hints . - `Module 5 - Writing Good Code: `_ ``pyright`` is now listed alongside ``mypy`` as a tool for doing static type analysis.