--- jupyter: jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: markdown format_version: '1.3' jupytext_version: 1.13.6 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 language: python name: python3 --- .. meta:: :description: Topic: Within Margin Exercise, Difficulty: Medium, Category: Practice Problem :keywords: function, control flow, comparisons, practice problem # Within Margin Percentage >An algorithm is required to test out what percentage of the parts that a factory is producing fall within a safety margin of the design specifications. Given a list of values recording the metrics of the manufactured parts, a list of values representing the desired metrics required by the design, and a margin of error allowed by the design, compute what fraction of the values are within the safety margin (`<=`) ``` Python # example behavior >>> within_margin_percentage(desired=[10.0, 5.0, 8.0, 3.0, 2.0], ... actual= [10.3, 5.2, 8.4, 3.0, 1.2], ... margin=0.5) 0.8 ``` See that $4/5$ of the values fall within the margin of error: $1.2$ deviates from $2$ by more than $0.5$. Complete the following function; consider the edge case where `desired` and `actual` are empty lists. ```python def within_margin_percentage(desired, actual, margin): """ Compute the percentage of values that fall within a margin of error of the desired values Parameters ---------- desired: List[float] The desired metrics actual: List[float] The corresponding actual metrics. Assume `len(actual) == len(desired)` margin: float The allowed margin of error Returns ------- float The fraction of values where |actual - desired| <= margin """ # YOUR CODE HERE pass ``` You will want to be familiar with [comparison operators](https://www.pythonlikeyoumeanit.com/Module2_EssentialsOfPython/ConditionalStatements.html#Comparison-Operations), [control flow](https://www.pythonlikeyoumeanit.com/Module2_EssentialsOfPython/Introduction.html), and [indexing lists](https://www.pythonlikeyoumeanit.com/Module2_EssentialsOfPython/SequenceTypes.html#Introducing-Indexing-and-Slicing) lists to solve this problem. ## Solution This problem can solved by simply looping over the pairs of actual and desired values and tallying the pairs that fall within the margin: ``` Python def within_margin_percentage(desired, actual, margin): """ Compute the percentage of values that fall within a margin of error of the desired values Parameters ---------- desired: List[float] The desired metrics actual: List[float] The actual metrics margin: float The allowed margin of error Returns ------- float The fraction of values where |actual - desired| <= margin """ count = 0 # tally of how values are within margin total = len(desired) for i in range(total): if abs(desired[i] - actual[i]) <= margin: count += 1 # Equivalent to `count = count + 1` return count / total if total > 0 else 1.0 ``` See that we handle the edge case where `desired` and `actual` are empty lists: the [inline if-else statement](https://www.pythonlikeyoumeanit.com/Module2_EssentialsOfPython/ConditionalStatements.html#Inline-if-else-statements) `count / total if total > 0 else 1` will return `1` when `total` is 0: ```python >>> within_margin_percentage([], [], margin=0.5) 1.0 ``` which is arguably the appropriate behavior for this scenario (no values fall outside of the margin). Had we not anticipated this edge case, `within_margin_percentage([], [], margin=0.5)` would raise `ZeroDivisionError`. It is also possible to write this solution using the built-in `sum` function and a [generator comprehension](https://www.pythonlikeyoumeanit.com/Module2_EssentialsOfPython/Generators_and_Comprehensions.html#Creating-your-own-generator:-generator-comprehensions) that filters out those pairs of items that fall outside of the desired margin: ```python def within_margin_percentage(desired, actual, margin): total = len(desired) count = sum(1 for i in range(total) if abs(actual[i] - desired[i]) <= margin) return count / total if total > 0 else 1.0 ``` It is debatable whether this refactored solution is superior to the original one - it depends largely on how comfortable you, and anyone else who will be reading your code, are with the generator comprehension syntax.