--- jupyter: jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: markdown format_version: '1.3' jupytext_version: 1.13.6 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 language: python name: python3 --- .. meta:: :description: Topic: Overview of formatting in Python Like You Mean It, Difficulty: Easy, Category: Instructions :keywords: overview, formatting, background, code block, console style # A Quick Guide to Formatting This section provides a brief overview of the code formatting style that will be used throughout this text. You are not expected to understand the details of the code, here. This merely provides a guide for what is to come. Any code that is included in-line within plain text will be formatted distinctly as so: "the variable `x` was updated...". Such items will be distinguished with backticks wherever such formatting is not available. Take for example the following commented line within Python code: ```python # the variable `x` will be updated ``` Python code will be displayed within distinct, colorized code blocks. These will typically begin with a comment, which is meant to serve as a caption that summarizes the purpose of the code block: ```python # demonstrating a basic for-loop cnt = 0 for i in range(10): cnt += 1 #`cnt` is now 10 ``` The symbol `>>>` appears within code blocks to indicate "console-style" code, which distinguishes between code being entered by a user and the resulting output. The purpose of this is that it allows us to easily display the result of a computation without having to rely on calling the `print` function. For instance, the following code assigns the integer `1` to the variable `x`, and then displays the result of `x + 2`: ```python # demonstrating the distinction of # input and output via >>> >>> x = 1 >>> x + 2 3 ``` The code blocks throughout a given section of the text should be understood to be persistent even if there is a mix of "pure" code blocks and "console-style" code blocks. For example, a function may be defined at the beginning of a section, and then referenced throughout the rest of that section: ```python # defining an example function def my_func(x): return x**2 ``` We can spend some time talking about `my_func` and then see it in action: ```python # demonstrating `my_func` >>> my_func(10.) 100. ``` Lastly, the input and output of an iPython console and a Jupyter notebook alike is displayed as follows: ```python 2 + 3 ``` ## Running Code Snippets from this Site In PLYMI, we typically precede every code snippet with one or more commented lines. This is useful because it makes a page more "skimmable", since the code snippets essentially come with descriptive, self-explanatory captions. That being said, there is a downside to this. Python terminals don't like having multiple comment lines precede an input-prompt. E.g. if you paste and run the following code into a terminal ```python # demonstrating the distinction of # input and output via >>> >>> x = 1 ``` you will get a syntax error. To fix this issue, simply exclude the comments when you copy this block to your clipboard. Running ```python >>> x = 1 ``` will work without any issue. Keep this in mind if you ever find yourself having trouble running code that you copied from this site.