{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "raw", "metadata": { "raw_mimetype": "text/restructuredtext" }, "source": [ ".. meta::\n", " :description: Topic: Plotting with matplotlib, Difficulty: Easy, Category: Section\n", " :keywords: plot, matplotlib, figure, axes, functional, object oriented, histogram, image, save, load, color, colormap, API, style, notebook, inline\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Matplotlib\n", "\n", "In this section, we will introduce Matplotlib, the most long-lived Python package for plotting data and images. It is designed to work nicely with NumPy arrays, and natively uses two and three-dimensional arrays to represent images, (gray-scale and RGB, respectively). This section will introduce the basics of plotting and key features of Matplotlib. \n", "\n", "There are many tutorials, \"cheat sheets\", and other resources for using Matplotlib. Our goal here is to provide a treatment of Matplotlib with slightly deeper aims than simply showing you how to make \"a plot that looks like ...\". Specifically, our aim is to introduce Matplotib's [object oriented API](https://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_summary.html#the-object-oriented-api), instead of its [function-based API](https://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_summary.html#the-pyplot-api). Let's briefly draw a distinction between these two APIs:\n", "```python\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "# prepare 50 x-coordinates and 50 y-coordinates\n", "x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 50)\n", "y = np.sin(x)\n", "\n", "# Plot using matplotlib's object-oriented API:\n", "# we figure and axis object: `fig` and `ax`\n", "fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n", "# we then use these objects to draw-on and manipulate our plot\n", "ax.plot(x, y)\n", "\n", "# Plot using matplotlib's functional API:\n", "# a single function call produces a plot; convenient but less flexible\n", "plt.plot(x, y)\n", "```\n", "\n", "Although the code that invokes the functional API is simpler, it is far less powerful and flexible than the object-oriented API, which produces figure (`fig`) and axes (`ax`) objects that we can leverage to customize our plot. You will likely see tutorials utilize the functional API in their examples, so it is useful to understand the distinction here. Shortly, you will learn how to leverage Matplotlib's object-oriented API in powerful ways.\n", "\n", "Consult the [Matplotlib user's guide](https://matplotlib.org/users/index.html), as well as their [tutorials](https://matplotlib.org/tutorials/index.html) for additional information about this plotting library.\n", "\n", "Matplotlib is included in the Anaconda distribution of Python packages. The `pyplot` submodule of Matplotlib contains all of the essential plotting functionality, thus we will always need to import `pyplot`. It is standard to utilize the abbreviation \"plt\" when importing the `pyplot` submodule from Matplotlib:\n", "\n", "```python\n", "# import matplotlib's pyplot submodule\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "```\n", "\n", "There are many tutorials and examples available online, which demonstrate Matplotlib's wide range of capabilities for visualizing data. Here, we will only distill the essentials needed for understanding how to use Matplotlib effectively for typical data science applications." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Plotting in Jupyter Notebooks\n", "While Matplotlib provides a graphical interface for plots so that we can plot data from the Python shell or IPython, the Jupyter notebook is the ideal environment for creating and refining data visualizations. The command `%matplotlib notebook`, when executed in a notebook, will instruct Matplotlib to embed its plots within that notebook, rather than opening a separate window for each plot.\n", "\n", "```python\n", "# instructs Jupyter to embed plots within a notebook\n", "%matplotlib notebook\n", "```\n", "It need only be executed once in a given notebook to instruct plots to be embedded within that notebook. This will also allow us to interact with the plots that render within the notebook, enabling panning, zooming, and saving. We will proceed with this section with the assumption that we are embedding our plots in a notebook. \n", "\n", "Finally, note that `%matplotlib notebook` is not a valid line of Python code, rather it is an example of a [\"magic command\"](http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/interactive/magics.html) which is reserved to affect the behavior of the IPython console and Jupyter notebook." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Creating Figures and Axes with `pyplot.subplots`\n", "There are many different ways to create blank figure and axes objects in Matplotlib. Here, we will introduce the function `pyplot.subplots`, which creates a figure that contains axes on which data is plotted. We will see that the keyword argument `figsize` can be used to control the size of the figure, and that the keyword arguments `ncols` and `nrows` can be used to specify the grid on which the axes will be laid out within the figure.\n", "\n", "In Matplotlib, the `Figure` object is used to contain one or more sets of `Axes` objects. Data is plotted within a given set of axes. The `subplots` function can be used to create a figure along with a specified layout of axes. By default, `subplots` will create a figure with a single set of axes; calling it will return the figure object and its axes object in a tuple:\n", "\n", "```python\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "%matplotlib notebook\n", "\n", "# Creating a figure that contains a single\n", "# set of axes. `plt.subplots()` returns\n", "# the tuple: (Figure-instance, Axes-instance)\n", "fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n", "```\n", "Executing this code will open a figure with a blank set of axes. We can use the `Axes` instance, `ax`, to plot data, add labels and a title to the plot, and add grid lines. The `Figure` instance, `fig`, controls higher-level features of the figure, such as the layout of the axes, the alignment of labels, and other factors. `fig` is perhaps most used for saving figures. Let's plot a single period of a sine wave and then save it. " ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Plotting and Saving a Figure" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/javascript": [ "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n", "window.mpl = {};\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n", " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n", " return WebSocket;\n", " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n", " return MozWebSocket;\n", " } else {\n", " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n", " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n", " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n", " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n", " };\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n", " this.id = figure_id;\n", "\n", " this.ws = websocket;\n", "\n", " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n", "\n", " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n", " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n", " if (warnings) {\n", " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n", " warnings.textContent = (\n", " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n", " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n", " }\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.imageObj = new Image();\n", "\n", " this.context = undefined;\n", " this.message = undefined;\n", " this.canvas = undefined;\n", " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n", " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n", " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n", "\n", " this.image_mode = 'full';\n", "\n", " this.root = $('
');\n", " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n", " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n", "\n", " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n", "\n", " this._init_header(this);\n", " this._init_canvas(this);\n", " this._init_toolbar(this);\n", "\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " this.waiting = false;\n", "\n", " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n", " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n", " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n", " if (mpl.ratio != 1) {\n", " fig.send_message(\"set_dpi_ratio\", {'dpi_ratio': mpl.ratio});\n", " }\n", " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n", " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n", " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n", " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n", " // there is no ghosting.\n", " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n", " }\n", " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n", " };\n", "\n", " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n", " fig.ws.close();\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n", "\n", " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n", " var titlebar = $(\n", " '
');\n", " var titletext = $(\n", " '
');\n", " titlebar.append(titletext)\n", " this.root.append(titlebar);\n", " this.header = titletext[0];\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " var canvas_div = $('
');\n", "\n", " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n", "\n", " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n", " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n", " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n", " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n", " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n", " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n", "\n", " var canvas = $('');\n", " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n", " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n", "\n", " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n", " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n", "\n", " var backingStore = this.context.backingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;\n", "\n", " mpl.ratio = (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStore;\n", "\n", " var rubberband = $('');\n", " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n", "\n", " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n", "\n", " canvas_div.resizable({\n", " start: function(event, ui) {\n", " pass_mouse_events = false;\n", " },\n", " resize: function(event, ui) {\n", " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n", " },\n", " stop: function(event, ui) {\n", " pass_mouse_events = true;\n", " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n", " },\n", " });\n", "\n", " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n", " if (pass_mouse_events)\n", " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n", " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n", " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n", " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n", "\n", " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n", " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n", "\n", " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n", " event = event.originalEvent;\n", " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n", " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n", " event.step = 1;\n", " } else {\n", " event.step = -1;\n", " }\n", " mouse_event_fn(event);\n", " });\n", "\n", " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n", " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n", "\n", " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n", " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n", " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n", " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n", "\n", " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n", " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n", " // canvas in synch.\n", " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n", " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n", "\n", " canvas.attr('width', width * mpl.ratio);\n", " canvas.attr('height', height * mpl.ratio);\n", " canvas.attr('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px; height: ' + height + 'px;');\n", "\n", " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n", " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n", " }\n", "\n", " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n", " // upon first draw.\n", " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n", "\n", " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n", " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n", " return false;\n", " });\n", "\n", " function set_focus () {\n", " canvas.focus();\n", " canvas_div.focus();\n", " }\n", "\n", " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " var nav_element = $('
')\n", " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n", " this.root.append(nav_element);\n", "\n", " // Define a callback function for later on.\n", " function toolbar_event(event) {\n", " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n", " }\n", " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n", " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n", " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n", " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n", " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n", " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n", "\n", " if (!name) {\n", " // put a spacer in here.\n", " continue;\n", " }\n", " var button = $('');\n", " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n", " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n", " nav_element.append(button);\n", " }\n", "\n", " // Add the status bar.\n", " var status_bar = $('');\n", " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n", " this.message = status_bar[0];\n", "\n", " // Add the close button to the window.\n", " var buttongrp = $('
');\n", " var button = $('');\n", " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n", " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n", " buttongrp.append(button);\n", " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n", " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n", " var fig = this\n", " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n", "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n", " });\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n", " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n", " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n", " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n", " // off when our div gets focus\n", "\n", " // location in version 3\n", " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n", " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n", " }\n", " else {\n", " // location in version 2\n", " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n", " }\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n", " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n", " if (!manager)\n", " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n", "\n", " // Check for shift+enter\n", " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n", " this.canvas_div.blur();\n", " event.shiftKey = false;\n", " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n", " event.which = 74;\n", " event.keyCode = 74;\n", " manager.command_mode();\n", " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n", " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n", " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n", " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n", " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n", " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n", " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n", " var ncells = cells.length;\n", " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n", " data = data.data;\n", " }\n", " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n", " return [cell, data, j];\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n", "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n", "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n", " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n", "}\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# specify the figure size created by `subplots`\n", "# create a 6-inch x 2-inch figure\n", "fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,2))\n", "ax.plot(x, y);" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The keyword arguments `nrows` and `ncols` instructs the figure to contain `nrows x ncols` number of axes objects, laid out in a commensurate grid. In this case the second item returned in the tuple by `subplots` is not a single axes object, but instead a 2-dimensional NumPy array of shape `(nrows, ngrids)`, containing the corresponding axes arguments.\n", "\n", "Let's create a figure with size sets of axes, laid out in a $2 \\times 3$ grid:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/javascript": [ "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n", "window.mpl = {};\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n", " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n", " return WebSocket;\n", " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n", " return MozWebSocket;\n", " } else {\n", " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n", " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n", " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n", " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n", " };\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n", " this.id = figure_id;\n", "\n", " this.ws = websocket;\n", "\n", " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n", "\n", " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n", " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n", " if (warnings) {\n", " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n", " warnings.textContent = (\n", " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n", " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n", " }\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.imageObj = new Image();\n", "\n", " this.context = undefined;\n", " this.message = undefined;\n", " this.canvas = undefined;\n", " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n", " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n", " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n", "\n", " this.image_mode = 'full';\n", "\n", " this.root = $('
');\n", " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n", " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n", "\n", " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n", "\n", " this._init_header(this);\n", " this._init_canvas(this);\n", " this._init_toolbar(this);\n", "\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " this.waiting = false;\n", "\n", " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n", " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n", " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n", " if (mpl.ratio != 1) {\n", " fig.send_message(\"set_dpi_ratio\", {'dpi_ratio': mpl.ratio});\n", " }\n", " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n", " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n", " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n", " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n", " // there is no ghosting.\n", " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n", " }\n", " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n", " };\n", "\n", " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n", " fig.ws.close();\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n", "\n", " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n", " var titlebar = $(\n", " '
');\n", " var titletext = $(\n", " '
');\n", " titlebar.append(titletext)\n", " this.root.append(titlebar);\n", " this.header = titletext[0];\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " var canvas_div = $('
');\n", "\n", " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n", "\n", " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n", " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n", " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n", " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n", " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n", " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n", "\n", " var canvas = $('');\n", " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n", " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n", "\n", " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n", " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n", "\n", " var backingStore = this.context.backingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;\n", "\n", " mpl.ratio = (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStore;\n", "\n", " var rubberband = $('');\n", " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n", "\n", " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n", "\n", " canvas_div.resizable({\n", " start: function(event, ui) {\n", " pass_mouse_events = false;\n", " },\n", " resize: function(event, ui) {\n", " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n", " },\n", " stop: function(event, ui) {\n", " pass_mouse_events = true;\n", " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n", " },\n", " });\n", "\n", " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n", " if (pass_mouse_events)\n", " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n", " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n", " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n", " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n", "\n", " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n", " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n", "\n", " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n", " event = event.originalEvent;\n", " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n", " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n", " event.step = 1;\n", " } else {\n", " event.step = -1;\n", " }\n", " mouse_event_fn(event);\n", " });\n", "\n", " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n", " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n", "\n", " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n", " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n", " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n", " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n", "\n", " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n", " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n", " // canvas in synch.\n", " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n", " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n", "\n", " canvas.attr('width', width * mpl.ratio);\n", " canvas.attr('height', height * mpl.ratio);\n", " canvas.attr('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px; height: ' + height + 'px;');\n", "\n", " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n", " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n", " }\n", "\n", " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n", " // upon first draw.\n", " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n", "\n", " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n", " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n", " return false;\n", " });\n", "\n", " function set_focus () {\n", " canvas.focus();\n", " canvas_div.focus();\n", " }\n", "\n", " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " var nav_element = $('
')\n", " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n", " this.root.append(nav_element);\n", "\n", " // Define a callback function for later on.\n", " function toolbar_event(event) {\n", " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n", " }\n", " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n", " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n", " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n", " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n", " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n", " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n", "\n", " if (!name) {\n", " // put a spacer in here.\n", " continue;\n", " }\n", " var button = $('');\n", " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n", " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n", " nav_element.append(button);\n", " }\n", "\n", " // Add the status bar.\n", " var status_bar = $('');\n", " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n", " this.message = status_bar[0];\n", "\n", " // Add the close button to the window.\n", " var buttongrp = $('
');\n", " var button = $('');\n", " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n", " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n", " buttongrp.append(button);\n", " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n", " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n", " var fig = this\n", " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n", "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n", " });\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n", " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n", " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n", " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n", " // off when our div gets focus\n", "\n", " // location in version 3\n", " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n", " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n", " }\n", " else {\n", " // location in version 2\n", " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n", " }\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n", " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n", " if (!manager)\n", " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n", "\n", " // Check for shift+enter\n", " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n", " this.canvas_div.blur();\n", " event.shiftKey = false;\n", " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n", " event.which = 74;\n", " event.keyCode = 74;\n", " manager.command_mode();\n", " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n", " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n", " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n", " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n", " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n", " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n", " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n", " var ncells = cells.length;\n", " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n", " data = data.data;\n", " }\n", " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n", " return [cell, data, j];\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n", "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n", "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n", " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n", "}\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# plotting multiple curves on the same set of axes\n", "\n", "fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n", "\n", "x = np.linspace(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 32)\n", "\n", "# circles with a dashed line\n", "ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)/(2*x), marker=\"o\", linestyle=\"--\", label='a')\n", "\n", "# squares with a dash-dot line\n", "ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)/(3*x), marker=\"s\", linestyle=\"-.\", label='b')\n", "\n", "# upward triangles with a dotted line\n", "ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)/(4*x), marker=\"^\", linestyle=\":\", label='c')\n", "\n", "# sideways triangles with no line\n", "ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)/(5*x), marker=\"<\", linestyle=\"\", label='d')\n", "\n", "# default: solid line with no markers\n", "ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)/(6*x), label='e')\n", "\n", "# add legend of labels to top-right\n", "ax.legend(loc=\"upper right\")\n", "\n", "# annotate the axes with labels and a title\n", "ax.set_xlabel(\"x label\")\n", "ax.set_ylabel(\"y label\")\n", "ax.set_title(\"Title\")\n", "\n", "# turn on x-y grid lines\n", "ax.grid(True) " ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Now, we provide a potpourri of different plots that can be created via the axes object. The resulting $2 \\times 3$ grid of plots demonstrates the following:\n", "\n", "**Plot (0, 0)**\n", "\n", "- Using `Axes.set_yscale` to set the y-axis scale a logarithmic scale.\n", "- Using LaTeX-formatted equations as labels.\n", "\n", "**Plot (0, 1)**\n", "\n", "- Using `Axes.fill_between` to shade in the bounds between the error bars for a curve. \n", "- The `alpha` keyword arguments allows you to set the transparency level for the shading.\n", "- Specifying `color=C0` allows you to match the color-0 from Matplotlib's default color cycle.\n", "\n", "**Plot (0, 2)**\n", "\n", "- Use `Axes.errorbar` to plot a curve with discrete error bars.\n", "\n", "**Plot (1, 0)**\n", "\n", "- Use `Axes.scatter` to plot markers for two sets of x-y coordinates, without joining the markers with line segments.\n", "\n", "**Plot (1, 1)**\n", "\n", "- Use `Axes.hist` to create a histogram, with 50 bins, for Gaussian-distributed data. \n", "\n", "**Plot (1, 2)**\n", "\n", "- Use `Axes.imshow` to plot a matrix (a 2D NumPy array) as an image. The matrice's entries take on random values, and the lower triangular half of the matrice's entries are set to 0.\n", "- The magnitude of the entries are conveyed using Matplotlib's default viridis colormap." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/javascript": [ "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n", "window.mpl = {};\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n", " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n", " return WebSocket;\n", " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n", " return MozWebSocket;\n", " } else {\n", " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n", " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n", " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n", " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n", " };\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n", " this.id = figure_id;\n", "\n", " this.ws = websocket;\n", "\n", " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n", "\n", " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n", " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n", " if (warnings) {\n", " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n", " warnings.textContent = (\n", " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n", " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n", " }\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.imageObj = new Image();\n", "\n", " this.context = undefined;\n", " this.message = undefined;\n", " this.canvas = undefined;\n", " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n", " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n", " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n", "\n", " this.image_mode = 'full';\n", "\n", " this.root = $('
');\n", " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n", " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n", "\n", " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n", "\n", " this._init_header(this);\n", " this._init_canvas(this);\n", " this._init_toolbar(this);\n", "\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " this.waiting = false;\n", "\n", " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n", " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n", " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n", " if (mpl.ratio != 1) {\n", " fig.send_message(\"set_dpi_ratio\", {'dpi_ratio': mpl.ratio});\n", " }\n", " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n", " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n", " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n", " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n", " // there is no ghosting.\n", " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n", " }\n", " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n", " };\n", "\n", " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n", " fig.ws.close();\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n", "\n", " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n", " var titlebar = $(\n", " '
');\n", " var titletext = $(\n", " '
');\n", " titlebar.append(titletext)\n", " this.root.append(titlebar);\n", " this.header = titletext[0];\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " var canvas_div = $('
');\n", "\n", " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n", "\n", " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n", " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n", " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n", " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n", " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n", " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n", "\n", " var canvas = $('');\n", " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n", " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n", "\n", " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n", " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n", "\n", " var backingStore = this.context.backingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;\n", "\n", " mpl.ratio = (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStore;\n", "\n", " var rubberband = $('');\n", " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n", "\n", " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n", "\n", " canvas_div.resizable({\n", " start: function(event, ui) {\n", " pass_mouse_events = false;\n", " },\n", " resize: function(event, ui) {\n", " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n", " },\n", " stop: function(event, ui) {\n", " pass_mouse_events = true;\n", " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n", " },\n", " });\n", "\n", " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n", " if (pass_mouse_events)\n", " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n", " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n", " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n", " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n", "\n", " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n", " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n", "\n", " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n", " event = event.originalEvent;\n", " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n", " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n", " event.step = 1;\n", " } else {\n", " event.step = -1;\n", " }\n", " mouse_event_fn(event);\n", " });\n", "\n", " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n", " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n", "\n", " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n", " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n", " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n", " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n", "\n", " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n", " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n", " // canvas in synch.\n", " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n", " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n", "\n", " canvas.attr('width', width * mpl.ratio);\n", " canvas.attr('height', height * mpl.ratio);\n", " canvas.attr('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px; height: ' + height + 'px;');\n", "\n", " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n", " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n", " }\n", "\n", " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n", " // upon first draw.\n", " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n", "\n", " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n", " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n", " return false;\n", " });\n", "\n", " function set_focus () {\n", " canvas.focus();\n", " canvas_div.focus();\n", " }\n", "\n", " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " var nav_element = $('
')\n", " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n", " this.root.append(nav_element);\n", "\n", " // Define a callback function for later on.\n", " function toolbar_event(event) {\n", " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n", " }\n", " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n", " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n", " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n", " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n", " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n", " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n", "\n", " if (!name) {\n", " // put a spacer in here.\n", " continue;\n", " }\n", " var button = $('');\n", " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n", " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n", " nav_element.append(button);\n", " }\n", "\n", " // Add the status bar.\n", " var status_bar = $('');\n", " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n", " this.message = status_bar[0];\n", "\n", " // Add the close button to the window.\n", " var buttongrp = $('
');\n", " var button = $('');\n", " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n", " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n", " buttongrp.append(button);\n", " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n", " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n", " var fig = this\n", " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n", "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n", " });\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n", " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n", " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n", " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n", " // off when our div gets focus\n", "\n", " // location in version 3\n", " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n", " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n", " }\n", " else {\n", " // location in version 2\n", " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n", " }\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n", " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n", " if (!manager)\n", " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n", "\n", " // Check for shift+enter\n", " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n", " this.canvas_div.blur();\n", " event.shiftKey = false;\n", " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n", " event.which = 74;\n", " event.keyCode = 74;\n", " manager.command_mode();\n", " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n", " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n", " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n", " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n", " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n", " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n", " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n", " var ncells = cells.length;\n", " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n", " data = data.data;\n", " }\n", " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n", " return [cell, data, j];\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n", "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n", "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n", " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n", "}\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))\n", "x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 50)\n", "y = np.sin(x)\n", "ax.plot(x, y)\n", "\n", "\n", "# saving a figure as a pdf\n", "fig.savefig(\"sinewave_plt.pdf\")\n", "\n", "# saving a figure as a 200 dot-per-inch png\n", "fig.savefig(\"sinewave_plt.png\", dpi=200);" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "
\n", "\n", "**Reading Comprehension: Saving a Plot**\n", "\n", "Plot the sine function with an amplitude of 1, 2, 4, and 8, respectively, all on the same subplot (e.g. $2\\sin{x}$ is the sine function with an amplitude of 2) on the domain $[-\\pi, \\pi]$. Label the x-axis as `\"x [radians]\"`. Save this figure as \"sine_waves.png\". Go and open this png-file and verify that it looks as you would expect.\n", "\n", "
" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Displaying Images\n", "\n", "Matplotlib also provides functionality for displaying images. Using the `Axes` object, we will use its `imshow` method to display an image. Here, 'image' can be anything that \"looks like\" an image. For example, a 2D NumPy-array can be interpreted as a grayscale image where the rows and columns are pixel locations and the values are intensity. An image can also be $r \\times c \\times 3$ array, where $r$ and $c$ correspond to rows and columns of pixels, and 3 indicates 3 color channels for red, green, and blue (RGB) pixel values, or $r \\times c \\times 4$, where the channels are red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA) for transparency.\n", "\n", "Lets plot some of these. Let's construct a 50x75x3 RGB image split into three vertical strips. The left strip will be red, the middle strip green, and the right strip blue. We will create a NumPy-array of zeros, and then populate its entries with RGB color values according to this pattern. Our array will store unsigned 8-bit integers (i.e. \"uint8\"); a uint8 number can store $2^8 = 256$ distinct values: 0, 1, ..., 255. Thus an RGB channel of (255, 0, 0) will be red, (0, 255, 0) is green, and (0, 0, 255) is blue. We could instead provide an array of floats instead of uint8 values, in which case our color values should fall in the domain $[0, 1]$. This is all documented in `plt.imshow`. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/javascript": [ "/* Put everything inside the global mpl namespace */\n", "window.mpl = {};\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.get_websocket_type = function() {\n", " if (typeof(WebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n", " return WebSocket;\n", " } else if (typeof(MozWebSocket) !== 'undefined') {\n", " return MozWebSocket;\n", " } else {\n", " alert('Your browser does not have WebSocket support.' +\n", " 'Please try Chrome, Safari or Firefox ≥ 6. ' +\n", " 'Firefox 4 and 5 are also supported but you ' +\n", " 'have to enable WebSockets in about:config.');\n", " };\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure = function(figure_id, websocket, ondownload, parent_element) {\n", " this.id = figure_id;\n", "\n", " this.ws = websocket;\n", "\n", " this.supports_binary = (this.ws.binaryType != undefined);\n", "\n", " if (!this.supports_binary) {\n", " var warnings = document.getElementById(\"mpl-warnings\");\n", " if (warnings) {\n", " warnings.style.display = 'block';\n", " warnings.textContent = (\n", " \"This browser does not support binary websocket messages. \" +\n", " \"Performance may be slow.\");\n", " }\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.imageObj = new Image();\n", "\n", " this.context = undefined;\n", " this.message = undefined;\n", " this.canvas = undefined;\n", " this.rubberband_canvas = undefined;\n", " this.rubberband_context = undefined;\n", " this.format_dropdown = undefined;\n", "\n", " this.image_mode = 'full';\n", "\n", " this.root = $('
');\n", " this._root_extra_style(this.root)\n", " this.root.attr('style', 'display: inline-block');\n", "\n", " $(parent_element).append(this.root);\n", "\n", " this._init_header(this);\n", " this._init_canvas(this);\n", " this._init_toolbar(this);\n", "\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " this.waiting = false;\n", "\n", " this.ws.onopen = function () {\n", " fig.send_message(\"supports_binary\", {value: fig.supports_binary});\n", " fig.send_message(\"send_image_mode\", {});\n", " if (mpl.ratio != 1) {\n", " fig.send_message(\"set_dpi_ratio\", {'dpi_ratio': mpl.ratio});\n", " }\n", " fig.send_message(\"refresh\", {});\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.imageObj.onload = function() {\n", " if (fig.image_mode == 'full') {\n", " // Full images could contain transparency (where diff images\n", " // almost always do), so we need to clear the canvas so that\n", " // there is no ghosting.\n", " fig.context.clearRect(0, 0, fig.canvas.width, fig.canvas.height);\n", " }\n", " fig.context.drawImage(fig.imageObj, 0, 0);\n", " };\n", "\n", " this.imageObj.onunload = function() {\n", " fig.ws.close();\n", " }\n", "\n", " this.ws.onmessage = this._make_on_message_function(this);\n", "\n", " this.ondownload = ondownload;\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_header = function() {\n", " var titlebar = $(\n", " '
');\n", " var titletext = $(\n", " '
');\n", " titlebar.append(titletext)\n", " this.root.append(titlebar);\n", " this.header = titletext[0];\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(canvas_div) {\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_canvas = function() {\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " var canvas_div = $('
');\n", "\n", " canvas_div.attr('style', 'position: relative; clear: both; outline: 0');\n", "\n", " function canvas_keyboard_event(event) {\n", " return fig.key_event(event, event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " canvas_div.keydown('key_press', canvas_keyboard_event);\n", " canvas_div.keyup('key_release', canvas_keyboard_event);\n", " this.canvas_div = canvas_div\n", " this._canvas_extra_style(canvas_div)\n", " this.root.append(canvas_div);\n", "\n", " var canvas = $('');\n", " canvas.addClass('mpl-canvas');\n", " canvas.attr('style', \"left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; outline: 0\")\n", "\n", " this.canvas = canvas[0];\n", " this.context = canvas[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n", "\n", " var backingStore = this.context.backingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||\n", "\tthis.context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;\n", "\n", " mpl.ratio = (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStore;\n", "\n", " var rubberband = $('');\n", " rubberband.attr('style', \"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;\")\n", "\n", " var pass_mouse_events = true;\n", "\n", " canvas_div.resizable({\n", " start: function(event, ui) {\n", " pass_mouse_events = false;\n", " },\n", " resize: function(event, ui) {\n", " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n", " },\n", " stop: function(event, ui) {\n", " pass_mouse_events = true;\n", " fig.request_resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);\n", " },\n", " });\n", "\n", " function mouse_event_fn(event) {\n", " if (pass_mouse_events)\n", " return fig.mouse_event(event, event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " rubberband.mousedown('button_press', mouse_event_fn);\n", " rubberband.mouseup('button_release', mouse_event_fn);\n", " // Throttle sequential mouse events to 1 every 20ms.\n", " rubberband.mousemove('motion_notify', mouse_event_fn);\n", "\n", " rubberband.mouseenter('figure_enter', mouse_event_fn);\n", " rubberband.mouseleave('figure_leave', mouse_event_fn);\n", "\n", " canvas_div.on(\"wheel\", function (event) {\n", " event = event.originalEvent;\n", " event['data'] = 'scroll'\n", " if (event.deltaY < 0) {\n", " event.step = 1;\n", " } else {\n", " event.step = -1;\n", " }\n", " mouse_event_fn(event);\n", " });\n", "\n", " canvas_div.append(canvas);\n", " canvas_div.append(rubberband);\n", "\n", " this.rubberband = rubberband;\n", " this.rubberband_canvas = rubberband[0];\n", " this.rubberband_context = rubberband[0].getContext(\"2d\");\n", " this.rubberband_context.strokeStyle = \"#000000\";\n", "\n", " this._resize_canvas = function(width, height) {\n", " // Keep the size of the canvas, canvas container, and rubber band\n", " // canvas in synch.\n", " canvas_div.css('width', width)\n", " canvas_div.css('height', height)\n", "\n", " canvas.attr('width', width * mpl.ratio);\n", " canvas.attr('height', height * mpl.ratio);\n", " canvas.attr('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px; height: ' + height + 'px;');\n", "\n", " rubberband.attr('width', width);\n", " rubberband.attr('height', height);\n", " }\n", "\n", " // Set the figure to an initial 600x600px, this will subsequently be updated\n", " // upon first draw.\n", " this._resize_canvas(600, 600);\n", "\n", " // Disable right mouse context menu.\n", " $(this.rubberband_canvas).bind(\"contextmenu\",function(e){\n", " return false;\n", " });\n", "\n", " function set_focus () {\n", " canvas.focus();\n", " canvas_div.focus();\n", " }\n", "\n", " window.setTimeout(set_focus, 100);\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() {\n", " var fig = this;\n", "\n", " var nav_element = $('
')\n", " nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%');\n", " this.root.append(nav_element);\n", "\n", " // Define a callback function for later on.\n", " function toolbar_event(event) {\n", " return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']);\n", " }\n", " function toolbar_mouse_event(event) {\n", " return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']);\n", " }\n", "\n", " for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items) {\n", " var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0];\n", " var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1];\n", " var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2];\n", " var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3];\n", "\n", " if (!name) {\n", " // put a spacer in here.\n", " continue;\n", " }\n", " var button = $('');\n", " button.click(method_name, toolbar_event);\n", " button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event);\n", " nav_element.append(button);\n", " }\n", "\n", " // Add the status bar.\n", " var status_bar = $('');\n", " nav_element.append(status_bar);\n", " this.message = status_bar[0];\n", "\n", " // Add the close button to the window.\n", " var buttongrp = $('
');\n", " var button = $('');\n", " button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } );\n", " button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event);\n", " buttongrp.append(button);\n", " var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));\n", " titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){\n", " var fig = this\n", " el.on(\"remove\", function(){\n", "\tfig.close_ws(fig, {});\n", " });\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){\n", " // this is important to make the div 'focusable\n", " el.attr('tabindex', 0)\n", " // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self\n", " // off when our div gets focus\n", "\n", " // location in version 3\n", " if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) {\n", " IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n", " }\n", " else {\n", " // location in version 2\n", " IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el);\n", " }\n", "\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) {\n", " var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager;\n", " if (!manager)\n", " manager = IPython.keyboard_manager;\n", "\n", " // Check for shift+enter\n", " if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) {\n", " this.canvas_div.blur();\n", " event.shiftKey = false;\n", " // Send a \"J\" for go to next cell\n", " event.which = 74;\n", " event.keyCode = 74;\n", " manager.command_mode();\n", " manager.handle_keydown(event);\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) {\n", " fig.ondownload(fig, null);\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) {\n", " // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook.\n", " // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the \"notebook_saving.Notebook\"\n", " // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for\n", " // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late.\n", " var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();\n", " var ncells = cells.length;\n", " for (var i=0; i= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output\n", " data = data.data;\n", " }\n", " if (data['text/html'] == html_output) {\n", " return [cell, data, j];\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", "\n", "// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.\n", "// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.\n", "if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) {\n", " IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);\n", "}\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# generate and display a grayscale image\n", "fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2)\n", "\n", "# create a linear ramp from 0-100 along a shape-25 array,\n", "# then broadcast this to a shape-(15, 25) array\n", "my_image = np.broadcast_to(np.linspace(0, 100, 25), (15, 25))\n", "ax1.imshow(my_image, cmap=\"gray\")\n", "ax2.imshow(my_image, cmap=\"viridis\");" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Lastly, we note that `plt.imsave` is available to save your numpy-array as an image file, and `plt.imread` is available to read an image file and load it as a numpy array (thus `imsave` and `imread` are inverses of one another)." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Beyond Matplotlib\n", "\n", "Although Matplotlib is the most long-lived plotting library for Python, it is not the only player in town, nor is necessarily it the best tool for all variety of visualizations. For instance, Matplotlib is not well-suited for plotting large amounts of data, nor does it facilitate dynamic, interactive plots very well. It is worthwhile to be aware of some of Python's other plotting libraries, which benefit from a more focused design and leverage more modern plotting technologies.\n", "\n", "[ToyPlot](https://toyplot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) provides a sleek, minimalist interface that aims to develop beautiful interactive, animated plots that embrace the unique capabilities of electronic publishing and support reproducibility. \n", "\n", "[Bokeh](https://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/) is an interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation. Its goal is to provide elegant, concise construction of versatile graphics, and to extend this capability with high-performance interactivity over very large or streaming datasets.\n", "\n", "[Plotly](https://plot.ly/python/) has a Python graphing library makes interactive, publication-quality graphs online. It and Bokeh provide similar capabilities, and leverage JavaScript to create elegant interactive visualizations. Plotly and Bokeh both have their respective strengths and weaknesses." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Links to Official Documentation\n", "\n", "- [Matplotlib User Guide](https://matplotlib.org/users/index.html)\n", "- [Tutorials](https://matplotlib.org/tutorials/index.html)\n", "- [Emulating Container Types](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#emulating-container-types)\n", "- [Documentation for the Axes Object](https://matplotlib.org/api/axes_api.html)\n", "- [Documentation for the Figure Object](https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.figure.Figure.html#matplotlib.figure.Figure)\n", "- [Matplotlib Colors](https://matplotlib.org/api/colors_api.html?highlight=color#module-matplotlib.colors)\n", "- [Matplotlib Colormaps](https://matplotlib.org/users/colormaps.html)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Reading Comprehension Exercise Solutions:" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "**Creating a Basic Plot: Solution**\n", "\n", "Use `pyplot.subplots` to create a figure with two subplots that are aligned side-by-side (i.e. they reside in two columns). In the left subplot, plot $f(x) = e^{-x}$ using 100 points on the domain $[0, 1]$. In the right subplot, plot $f(x) = x^2$ on whatever domain you'd like, using a green line.\n", "\n", "```python\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "import numpy as np\n", "%matplotlib notebook\n", "\n", "fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)\n", "\n", "x_left = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) # 100 points spaced evenly on [0, 1]\n", "ax[0].plot(x_left, np.exp(-x_left))\n", "\n", "x_right = np.linspace(-10, 10, 500)\n", "ax[1].plot(x_right, (x_right)**2, color=\"green\")\n", "```" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "**Saving a Plot: Solution**\n", "\n", "Plot the sine function with an amplitude of 1, 2, 4, and 8, respectively, all on the same subplot (e.g. $2\\sin{x}$ is the sine function with an amplitude of 2) on the domain $[-\\pi, \\pi]$. Label the x-axis as `\"x [radians]\"`. Save this figure as \"sine_waves.png\". \n", "\n", "```python\n", "fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n", "x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 200)\n", "\n", "for amp in [1, 2, 4, 8]:\n", " ax.plot(x, amp * np.sin(x))\n", "\n", "ax.set_xlabel(\"x [radians]\")\n", "fig.savefig(\"sine_waves.png\")\n", "```" ] } ], "metadata": { "celltoolbar": "Raw Cell Format", "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.7.2" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }